My father-in-law often talks about events occurring just in time. He sees how often the timing of life works in our favor. Being a very spiritual man who is very intuitive, he often senses who's calling and when his sons have needed him. I bring this up because I too have experienced this phenomenon. Many years ago I was told by a practitioner that if I didn't slow my pace down, my neurological system would not be able to continue supporting the life I wanted. Those words have come to pass and many, many doctors have talked about how much I am unable to do. Just when I was feeling very burdened by yet another modality that did not work to restore my vitality, I rediscovered vision therapy and visceral manipulation. Just when my system was so tired and my mood heavy, I was given a very special gift. Just in time for the holidays, just in time for the new year, just in time to see a brilliant future I was given this connection. The providers of these services were humble, kind and generous. Their desire to help people in unique and empowering ways came just in time.
How often do we find ourselves stuck in a rut? We can feel so tired of trying as hard as we can and not getting anywhere. Life has a way of pushing us and many times we surrender to the pressure and give up. I don't believe the point of challenging circumstances is to relinquish our power. Rather I feel it's an opportunity to regroup and begin again. I had a dear friend who used to talk about how important it is to pick yourself up. She often talked about the meaning of life being about how often we get up rather than being knocked down. At the time I found her words frustrating. Who wants to pitifully pick yourself up after yet another embarrassing mistake? I truly thought back then that I was alone in believing I made the worst mistakes of anyone I knew. Amazing how narrow one's field of vision is when you're lost in self-pity! Once I realized we all fall down again and again, my life changed. My friend's words made more sense. All of us seem to struggle, soar, limp, suffer, and then try again.
My father-in-law, Charles, has made quite an impression on people through the years. This story is but one of many lives he's helped to shift. One Sunday at church, where he attends regularly, a new face appeared. It was a young man who stayed to himself during the service but was greeted by Charles before he left the building. This man was welcomed, supported in his decision to come to this service this day, and encouraged to come back in a way only my father-in-law can do. The man did come back the next week and many weeks thereafter. Eventually he chose to join the congregation. His decision to become a member was not what was significant. His feelings and words to the minister were: "I came to that first service to make my peace with God. I decided to go to church one more time and then go home to take my life. Charles took time and saw me for who I was. God spoke to me that day through this very kind man."
Charles is like that and so is his son, my husband. They both seem to deeply believe that God manifests in many forms. The kindness and gentleness they show the world is something very new to me. I was not raised with this sort of behavior. My parents could be nice but definitely didn't see the world as these two men do.
During this time of busyness and chaos, it's easy to forget what matters most. Many around the world suffer and are consumed with deep heartache. I have been amazingly blessed again and again. It's not that my life has been easy or gentle because in reality it's been neither. Charles' words: "Just in time" describes connections I've made, gifts I've received, and my current path to healing.
So during this time of the year perhaps when you are quiet and still, you can remember what matters most and how much of your life occurred "just in time". We may never ever know how much we influence another life. For me spirituality is many things not least of which is knowing that we all are intrinsically part of the Divine.
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