Thursday, April 16, 2015

Can you hear along with listen?

My husband has often said:  "You're not like other people."  In some ways that's true, in others it's not.  One of his examples of this observation is that I really do my best to say what I mean and mean what I say.  This is not just a recovery phrase for me.  A little over three years ago, interestingly over Valentine's day I found myself in the emergency room of a heart hospital.  I went there because I felt a heaviness in my chest.  I was at the time overweight, stressed, still battling some asthma, and in my late 40's so I could see the reason for the staff's concern.  They told me I was going to be kept overnight for observation because I came to the hospital in the late afternoon.

One of the first things I was given was aspirin and then a nitro glycerin patch.  The first dose of over the counter pain pills was the first and last dose I was to receive.  The headache, frequently associated with nitro glycerin, was dull and constant.  The aspirin barely took the edge off of it.  I was told the headache was due to the blood vessels dilating and the circulation significantly increasing.  Although the stress test that followed the next morning showed my heart to be very healthy, there was another important event that occurred.  In the twelve or so hours I was in the hospital, I lost over ten pounds of water weight.  My swelling was noticeably decreased!  As I brought this to the staff's attention, not a one of them could explain why it had happened.  I mentioned it to my naturopath at the time, other doctors, nutritionists and none could explain it.  Then I came across articles on nitric oxide.  This led to finding out information on three American Nobel prize winners who were able to explain the action of nitro glycerin.  Nitric oxide is a gas which majorly affects blood flow throughout the body.  Cardiovascular health can be improved and stabilized with foods and supplements that support nitric oxide.

If nitric oxide levels decline due to stress, aging, or in my case a severe black mold exposure, then oxidative stress and free radicals can create inflammation and then edema.  I had radically changed my diet, worked on emotional issues, and still questioned why my edema remained.  The black mold, which I was around close to ten years, began the pattern of significant decline in my health.  I began my life with circulatory, neurological, and emotional challenges.  The mold magnified them and also reduced my nitric oxide levels.  My aging and stress levels made things worse.

After over a week of craving red beet roots, I began to look into what nutritional properties beets had.  They are one of the top foods for supporting nitric oxide levels according to Julian Whitaker, MD.  I had juiced a small amount of them or ate some cooked beets.  These made me feel a bit better but not great.  I did notice that my vertigo had reduced since consuming them.  As I read Dr. Whitaker's take on beets, I decided to try juicing more of them.  Yesterday I consumed almost a full cup of beet juice.  This morning I was up after 7 rather than my usual 10 hours of sleep.  I improved on my vision therapy exercise and was very clear headed which is darn near impossible for me to achieve some days!

What the nitro glycerin gave me in the hospital is what my body longed to have.  The other foods that minimally increased my nitric oxide levels were helpful but not enough.  I was so confused as to why my practitioners dismissed my experience in the hospital.  They all seemed so certain that my experience was meaningless and that I must fit into a category that THEY understood!  I certainly am not one to fit into someone else's box!  I searched and searched for someone other than my husband to listen.  The research I found clearly stated the power of circulation and nitric oxide specifically.  In the years I have looked for someone to listen, I found research that showed what I suspected.

It's a real challenge to walk away from the belief that others know what to do better than you do yourself.  So many of us have been confused and told not to believe that our impressions, understandings and gut feelings are less than accurate.  I KNEW deep within me that the nitro glycerin was showing me a huge piece of the puzzle and I waited for others to understand.  Although I understand that all things come in time, I feel angry that my impressions were not heard.

As I move further into healing, with a naturopath who does her best to listen and hear I look forward to greater and greater health.  Sometimes in life, we just need to stick true to what we know deep in our hearts and minds is right.  The knowing and the honoring of what is our truth is a gift beyond measure.

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